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BMJ Best Practice accredited

by The Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

BMJ Best Practice accredited

Corporate announcement

BMJ Best Practice accredited for continuing professional development (CPD) by The Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

BMJ Best Practice, a global, evidence based clinical decision support tool, is now accredited by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) as a continuing medical education resource. Healthcare practitioners in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can earn CPD credits while using BMJ Best Practice to support clinical decision making. 

Formally recognising BMJ Best Practice as a valid source of CPD enables doctors in the Saudi region to practice evidence-based medicine, improve the quality of care, and ensure the safety of their patients. Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Saudi doctors have been turning to BMJ’s covid-19 resources for evidence-based and continually updated information. With the accreditation, doctors can obtain CPD credits for their time spent using clinical decision support, via BMJ Best Practice. 

Louise Crowe, Director of Knowledge, BMJ, said:  “We are pleased to be recognised and accredited by The Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. We know how challenging it is for healthcare professionals to stay current. The increasing amount of clinical information available can be overwhelming. Updated daily using a robust evidence-based methodology and expert opinion, BMJ Best Practice provides healthcare professionals with the latest clinical information.

Moreover, with 97% of users in a recent independent study saying it improved their practice, I have no doubt it will provide a valuable tool for all those who use it. At BMJ, everything we do is to support health professionals and having the tool formally accredited as an official CPD tool is a huge step in allowing us to do that effectively.”


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About The Saudi Commission for Health Specialties: The Saudi Commission for Health Specialties regulates healthcare related practices and accreditation at all levels in Saudi Arabia. It recently accredited BMJ Best Practice for three years.

About BMJ Best Practice: BMJ Best Practice is an award-winning resource. It gives healthcare professionals quick and easy access to the latest clinical information to underpin diagnosis and treatment decisions. Updated daily, it draws on the latest evidence-based research, guidelines and expert opinion to offer step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention. It can also be integrated with electronic health record systems for fast access within clinical workflows. 

BMJ Best Practice is the only clinical decision support tool to support the management of single conditions and patients with more complex comorbidities.

There is growing evidence of the effectiveness of integrating clinical decision support into electronic systems that healthcare professionals use. A recent study by Tao et al. showed that the clinical decision support systems (CDSS) integrated with BMJ Best Practice improved the accuracy of clinicians’ diagnoses. Shorter confirmed diagnosis times and hospitalisation days were also found to be associated with CDSS implementation in retrospective real-world studies.

About BMJ: As a global healthcare knowledge provider, BMJ publishes one of the world’s top four most cited general medical journals, The BMJ, and over 65 specialty journals. The organisation also offers digital professional development courses and clinical decision support tools to help health professionals improve the quality of healthcare delivery. See the difference we are making in our latest impact report: